Transforming Tanzania to provide support for Peter Ngwili, Director of Community Development, Diocese of Mara-Ukerewe

Peter Ngwili, Director of Community Development, Diocese of Mara-Ukerewe, came to the diocese as Director of Community Development in 2006.  Peter is a Kenyan whom God has called to serve the poor.  His passion for this work is palpable.  Peter is a graduate of the University of Nairobi, with an undergraduate degree in business administration and a graduate degree in community and economic development.  Peter developed a training program (the Church and Community Mobilization Program-CCMP) with the aim of helping individuals and villages become less dependent on outside resources.

The CCMP has equipped scores of villagers to identify and leverage their own resources (intellectual, spiritual, physical, and material) to meet many of the challenges faced by those living in rural Tanzania.  (If you are aware of the work of Brian Fikkert, author of When Helping Hurts, you will understand the nature of Peter’s work.)  As a key feature of the CCMP, Peter developed the training program for villages where water well projects have been completed.  With this training church and village leadership create and implement the systems needed to ensure the sustainability of the water wells.

Under Peter’s guidance 134 well projects have been completed and all continue to produce.  Ten of the projects are in need of upgrade at a total cost of $25,000-30,000.  The upgrade includes electric pumping capacity, replacement of pipes with PVC, and solar panels in areas where connection to the power grid is not available.  From the beginning of Peter’s ministry his funding has been provided by a UK-based charity that partners with indigenous churches to address poverty through sustainable community development.  Unfortunately, due to the impact of COVID-19, Peter has had his funding withdrawn.

Aware of this development, Transforming Tanzania has made a commitment to replacing Peter’s support by building a coalition of supporting churches, enabling Peter to continue the work he started, has supervised with great success, and which he loves.  Both Peter and Bishop Peter Pharles (Diocese of Mara-Ukerewe) are very excited to have him continue.  He is one who knows the culture, loves the people, and has demonstrated great giftedness, faithfulness, and effectiveness.  Our goal is to identify 12-15 churches, each of which would provide $2,500-$3,000 toward Peter’s personal support and program expenses.  Since January of this year five churches have committed support.  Several others are considering this plan.

If you would be interested in learning more please contact either Rev. Mike Malone ( or Rev. Robert Browning (, or at Transforming Tanzania, 901-685-8206.